Tanja Jacquemin
Personal data
Year of birth: 1972
Place of birth: Frankfurt/Main
Nationality: German
Apprenticeship as air traffic management assistant, Fraport AG
Graduated in business administration, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt/Main (Diplom-Betriebswirtin)
Traineeship, IG Metall Executive Committee
2001-2003: SYRACOM AG, Consultant
05/2003 – 10/2015: Political Secretary at IG Metall, Frankfurt
10/2015 – 07/2018: Head of Coordination Corporate Codetermination at IG Metall, Frankfurt
08/2018 – 12/2029: Head of Functional Area Trade Union Education Work at IG Metall, Frankfurt
Since 01/2020: Lecturer for the research and teaching area "Supervisory Boards and Corporate Codetermination" at the Academy of Labour in Frankfurt
Membership of supervisory boards within the meaning of § 125 of the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG)
(as of November 18, 2024)
thyssenkrupp AG (since 2016, appointed until 2029) *)
*) Company listed on the stock exchange