Jürgen Kerner
Personal Data
Year of birth: 1969
Nationality: German
apprenticeship as information systems engineer
1986-1995 youth and apprentices’ representative, then full-time member of works council and head of shop stewards at Siemens AG Augsburg
Since 1995 trade union officer at IG Metall Local Office in Augsburg
2004-2011 president of the IG Metall Local Office in Augsburg (since 2000 vice-president)
Since 2011 member of the Executive Committee of IG Metall and
Since 2013 Treasurer of IG Metall, responsible for IG Metall finances and assets and for coordinating sector policies and for the Siemens Group
Membership of supervisory boards within the meaning of § 125 of the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG)
(as of November 18, 2024)
thyssenkrupp AG (since 2020, appointed until 2024) *)
Siemens AG *)
Siemens Energy AG *)
MAN Truck & Bus SE
Airbus GmbH
*) Company listed on the stock exchange