Steel Sustainability Navigator – With data to more sustainability
Industry is facing major challenges today, above all climate change. The good news is that sustainability is an integral part of thyssenkrupp's corporate strategy and therefore also the green transformation of our own processes and those of our customers. Data helps us at thyssenkrupp Steel to identify important levers for the transformation towards more sustainable processes.
In order to achieve our sustainability goals, we need innovative approaches – above all data-driven solutions. After all, data is the prerequisite for making informed decisions for a more sustainable future. The challenge is that it not only needs to be collected, but also provided quickly and accurately in order to meet the constantly growing and changing need for information.
This is exactly where our concept of a digital solution comes in: the Steel Sustainability Navigator (SSN) from thyssenkrupp Steel, a central database for future sustainability and ESG information requirements. ESG stands for Environmental, Social and Governance and describes criteria that organizations take into account with regard to the environment, social issues and corporate governance.
Innovation in action: where data flows and is processed
The Steel Sustainability Navigator from thyssenkrupp Steel is specifically designed to meet these requirements. “Increasing demands from the market, legislation and our green transformation strategy require transparency about the current status of our ESG parameters and key performance indicators (KPIs),” explains Mohamed El Haouati. “Constantly growing and rapidly changing information needs require a fast response time in providing specific information,” adds Frank Vidic, who worked in the Digital Solutions department together with El Haouati at the time of the interview and is now retired.
To meet these requirements, all the necessary data is collected in one place. From this single point of truth, the information can be automatically derived and made available in target formats. The experts are supported by the thyssenkrupp Digital Projects team during the design phase.
The development of the SSN concept is the result of collaboration between all organizational units at thyssenkrupp Steel that already perform tasks and reporting duties. The fact that the topic is not only relevant in one department shows the urgency of such a solution. The goal? To make the green transformation in steel visible.
The SSN is a comprehensive tool for managing and monitoring sustainable business practices. By bundling all data and processes in one central location, sustainability goals can be better monitored, managed and optimized.
With the help of the Steel Sustainability Navigator, thyssenkrupp Steel will be able to respond flexibly, quickly and reliably to requests for information about its energy and ESG situation. “This central information platform not only facilitates internal monitoring and control, but also serves as an important source of information for external stakeholders and the public who are interested in our company's sustainability performance,” continues Mohamed El Haouati.
Sustainability management at a glance
When driving a car, we rely on our navigation system to get us to our destination safely and efficiently. The Steel Sustainability Navigator works in a similar way: just as the navigation system brings together all the relevant data about the current location, the destination and the best routes, the SSN bundles all the information relating to energy consumption and sustainability performance. It not only offers a quick overview, but also provides detailed information if required. This means that changes can be responded to quickly and efficiently and energy and sustainability management measures can be controlled in a targeted manner – for a smooth journey towards climate neutrality.
The SSN technology is divided into three task-specific areas. Each of the three main areas fulfills specific tasks. At the beginning, data is collected from the production environment, i.e. from the blast furnace or the rolling mill. In addition, other relevant data, e.g. from suppliers, is integrated in order to obtain a comprehensive picture. “One challenge in the development of the project is the enormous amount of data that is distributed across several IT systems,” says Frank Vidic. “This data must therefore be transported via our Industrial IoT platform, which links all IT systems and speaks a standardized language. However, this takes a lot of time and effort.”
Transparency on ESG parameters and KPIs is required to meet the green transformation strategy. All relevant data is collected in one place in order to automatically generate and provide information.
Once the data has been fed in, the SSN's information processing follows with the help of thyssenkrupp Steel's own reporting platform tera nova. This is where the data is processed and managed. A toolbox created specifically for this purpose is used.
In the final step, the data is prepared according to the requirements in the Steel Sustainability Navigator and presented in user-friendly formats. “Flexible standard components such as MicroStrategy or MS Power Platform are used for data preparation and the provision of user interfaces,” explains Mohamed El Haouati.
Technology in the service of the green transformation
But the work is paying off: “In the current first expansion stage, functions for internal energy billing are being developed,” explains Frank Vidic. “The material and energy flows of a total of 21 media are mapped in the SSN and made transparent in real time.” This detailed presentation makes it possible to obtain a precise overview of energy consumption and the corresponding costs.
After all, energy data is company data and offers enormous added value for the company. “Especially in combination with production, product and financial data, energy data can provide additional insights,” adds Mohamed El Haouati. For example, this combination can improve the energy efficiency of production processes and identify potential savings.
Vidic also mentions other advantages of the Steel Sustainability Navigator: “Awareness of energy data can be increased by demonstrating the visibility and measurability of the successes of the green transformation. This increases motivation to commit to sustainability.”
The topics of energy and sustainability are currently becoming increasingly important, not only from a social but also from a business perspective. This makes it all the more important to implement digitalization projects in these areas.
The two experts particularly appreciate the diverse opportunities in their field of work. “The fascinating thing about it is the potential that arises from the digitalization of tasks and processes. Transparency increases enormously, so that decisions can be made on a better basis,” says Vidic. El Haouati also emphasizes the relevance of his area of responsibility: “Currently, energy and sustainability issues are becoming more and more important from a corporate perspective and are gaining in significance. This makes it all the more exciting and interesting to carry out digitalization projects in these areas,” he explains. “It also makes me proud to be able to support our green transformation with digital solutions.”
Sustainable reporting for the future
A lot is already planned for the future. In the next development phases, additional material flows will be integrated into the Steel Sustainability Navigator. Furthermore, data on social and governance indicators will also be included in order to obtain a more comprehensive picture of the company's sustainability performance. These can include, for example, key figures on inclusion in the workplace, employee health, participation in charitable activities or the composition of the Board of Directors, adherence to laws and ethical standards as well as compliance.
In future, the SSN will provide dashboards, reports and other user interfaces to facilitate the monitoring of sustainability performance. Planned monitoring functions will enable users to visualize data in real time and track performance indicators. These developments are designed to make the Steel Sustainability Navigator a comprehensive sustainability management platform that enables thyssenkrupp Steel to effectively track, manage and communicate its processes. Because the goal is clear: the green transformation of steel production.
You can find more exciting insights into digitalization and sustainability projects at thyssenkrupp in our Stories.