For us as a company, a continuous exchange with external experts is particularly important. We were one of the first companies in Germany to be certified in accordance with the auditing standard 980 of the Institute of Public Auditors in Germany (Institut der Wirtschaftsprüfer e.V.) in relation to anti-corruption and antitrust law. In 2024, we again subjected our Group-wide compliance program to an external audit in accordance with IDW PS 980 by KPMG AG - this time both anticorruption and anti-trust and for the first time in relation to the sub-areas of data protection, money laundering prevention and foreign trade law.
These "assessments" are an important tool for us to continuously improve and develop our compliance management system. The findings from the external reviews by Transparency International (TI) as part of the Defense Companies Anti-Corruption Index (DCI) are also incorporated into the further development of our compliance management system.
External Assessment 2024 by KPMG according to the IDW PS 980 standard
Following the audit in 2011 for the topics of anticorruption and antitrust law, thyssenkrupp had its groupwide compliance program audited for the first time by KPMG AG in accordance with Audit Standard 980 of the Institut der Wirtschaftsprüfer e.V. (IDW AsS 980) for the topics of data protection, anti-money laundering and trade compliance.
On April 19, 2024, KPMG confirmed that the respective compliance management systems are appropriate, suitable and implemented. Where recommendations for compliance work were made on the basis of the audit results, their implementation is being reviewed.
Furthermore, the core compliance topics of anticorruption and antitrust law, which were already certified in 2011, have been re-audited at the effectiveness level. On July 31, 2024, KPMG confirmed the appropriateness, implementation and effectiveness of the compliance management system in the delineated areas anticorruption and antitrust law.
KPMG's reports for the individual areas are available for download (temporarily unavailable).
Transparency International Defence Companies
Anti-Corruption Index
In addition to the external audit in accordance with IDW PS 980, we are regularly audited externally by Transparency International (TI) as part of the Defence Companies Anti-Corruption Index (DCI).
This audit initiated by TI is conducted at irregular intervals and last took place in 2020. The Defence Companies Anti-Corruption Index (DCI) published by Transparency International Defence & Security sets standards for transparency, reporting obligations and anti-corruption programmes in the defence sector.
In the latest DCI, which was published on 9 February 2021, thyssenkrupp once again achieved category B (high commitment to transparency and anti-corruption) with 71 out of a possible 100 points, putting it in 9th place in an international comparison of the 134 companies surveyed.
Audit report BDO, Voluntary special audit
In 2013, thyssenkrupp had the basic structure of its enhanced internal control system audited by two special auditors, BDO AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft and Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Böcking.
Main points of the audit have been, inter alia, whether the internal control system is appropriate for the prevention of compliance violations, how far certain recommendations have been implemented in the Compliance Management System and whether the investment controlling process for future major investment projects and the related information of the Supervisory Board is appropriate.
As a result, it was established that the systems and processes audited had been intensively further developed and that the concepts and planned measures were target-oriented, particularly in the area of the Compliance-relevant internal control system.
External Assessment 2011 by KPMG according to the IDW PS 980 standard
thyssenkrupp has had its group-wide Compliance Programme under review for the period April to September 2011, audited by KPMG AG in accordance with Audit Standard 980 of the Institut der Wirtschaftsprüfer e.V. („IDW“, Institute of Public Auditors in Germany) with regard to antitrust law and anti-corruption.
Beside structure and implementation, the audit focused in particular on the effectiveness of the Compliance Programme, which corresponds to the highest possible audit depth of IDW PS 980.
KPMG confirmed that the thyssenkrupp Compliance Management System was adequately implemented and effective during the period under review. If recommendations for compliance work were made on the basis of the findings made, their implementation will be reviewed.